Code importing on client side

Code importing on client side

The client code requires the data type of the root router that is defined on the server. When importing a router to create a client, it is inappropriate to derive the router type with the typeof directive on the client side, because the client must import almost all of the server code due to the interdependencies of other routers and endpoints within the root router. It is recommended to derive the type in the server part to allow importing the root router type as a development dependency. Importing the TypeScript type itself does not affect the size of the client code in the runtime environment.

// Correct import of the router type defined on the server
import type { BaseRouter } from './server';
const client = createProxyClient<BaseRouter>({
  url: 'http://localhost:4000/ptsq',
// Incorrect import of a router defined on the server
import { baseRouter } from './server';
const client = createProxyClient<typeof baseRouter>({
  url: 'http://localhost:4000/ptsq',

When inserting a type from introspection, the schema type is derived. The schema from introspection affects the client code very minimally, so it is okay to import the schema itself as an object and then derive the type with the typeof directive.