

PTSQ supports the creation of custom web documentation similar to the REST or GraphQL API. The documentation consists primarily in creating a clear interface describing the API for use of the service by external clients. Documentation can be created from schema introspection. The schema in JSON form can be obtained by querying the PTSQ server using the HTTP GET method.

const schema = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/ptsq');

The schema variable inside the code above has no data type. Without a data type, the schema is very hard to work with. However, the schema type can be inferred using the special TypeScript type inferPtsqSchema that the library provides. This type requires a type argument, which can be the type of the server's root router or the resulting schema from introspection.

// root router without introspection
import { inferPtsqSchema } from '@ptsq/server';
import type { BaseRouter } from './server';
const schema: inferPtsqSchema<BaseRouter> = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/ptsq');
// generated scheme from introspection
import { inferPtsqSchema } from '@ptsq/server';
import { BaseRouter } from './schema.generated';
const schema: inferPtsqSchema<typeof BaseRouter> = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/ptsq');

Based on the schema, a frontend can then be created that describes the PTSQ API clearly on a web page. In full-stack frameworks like Next.js or SvelteKit, the schema can be obtained before rendering the page on the server using SSR. The documentation page is thus also SEO friendly.