Standalone middleware

Standalone middleware

The library also allows you to create separate middleware in addition to a separate resolver. Like the standalone resolver, this middleware can be created without a PTSQ instance. When defining this middleware, you can specify at the type level what inputs and context it requires, these requirements are then respected when connecting the middleware to the resolver.

import { middleware } from '@ptsq/server';
export const isAuthed = middelware<{
  ctx: {
    user?: User;
}>().create(({ ctx /* { user?: User | undefined } */, next }) => {
  if (!ctx.user) throw new PtsqError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
  return next({
    user: ctx.user,

As you can see we can define which context is required for the standalone middleware, then we can you the middleware as any other middleware.

const createContext = async ({ req }: { req: Request }) => {
  const user = await getUserFromJWT(req);
  return {
export const { resolver, router, serve } = ptsq({
  ctx: createContext,
export const isAuthedResolver = resolver.use(isAuthed);

You can also define which input the standalone middleware requires

Standalone middleware with context and input requirements
import { middleware } from '@ptsq/server';
export const hasPermission = middelware<{
  ctx: {
    user: User;
  input: {
    roomId: string;
}>(({ input /* { roomId: string } */, ctx /* { user: User } */, next }) => {
  if (!ctx.hasRoomPermissions(input.roomId, ctx.user))
    throw new PtsqError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
  return next();