Response envelope

Response envelope

The Web API can sometimes define a so-called response envelope. An envelope is a common practice in creating open APIs and provides some standard structure or skeleton of a response for a given web service. Creating an envelope inside an untyped system, for example, when creating a REST API, is very simple. In fact, the schema does not exist and hence there is no need to somehow type the response wrapper. When creating an envelope inside a PTSQ, the best option is to create a resolver that has a prebuilt response structure.

Response aggregation envelope
  const envelopedAggregationResolver = resolver.output(
      data: Type.Unknown(),
      paging: Type.Object({...}),
      count: Type.Number(),
      data: Type.Array(BookSchema)

By using the resolver defined in this way everywhere in the application, the necessity of creating a response wrapper is ensured. At the same time, the code does not need to be repeated and the response data type can be easily extended using chaining of output validation schemes. By using Type.Unknown() instead of Type.Any() as the base output data type, the need to define an additional data schema is guaranteed. This is because no handler output will be compatible with TypeScript data type unknown unless it is manually overridden. Such defined output is also valid for schema export (introspection) of the API.